Treatment for nail narrow
Nail narrow (paroniky) is a fairly common experience for climbers due to the minute space in climbing shoes. Most often the problem is solved with a few days of rest and a foot bath but when that doesn't help minor surgury might be the solution. I just suffered from the above and went through something called Königs operation (|en&u= Although [...]
Savasonna video
To Savassona from Sweden with love from Christer Holmlund on Vimeo.A tale of two little boulderers in beautiful Catalunya The Swedes visiting Savassona a some weeks ago now have compiled a video from their stay. Looks like they had great fun! Thanks for sharing guys!
Training: January sum-up
Strong man Urban Dufva hiking my project, Discordia. Photo: Pär Lindholm Plenty of work, training and climbing has kept me from writing about how my little climbing-training-experiment is going. To sum it up - just great! My finger injury seem to finally have sorted itself out (knock on wood!) and I can now go almost at 100% indoors as well [...]
Guest report from Savassona
All photos Christer and John. Some Swedish climbers took a cheap RyanAir-flight to Girona, rented a car and took the short drive up to Savassona. There they checked in to the super nice house of Can Janot and spent a week climbing and enjoying the great winter weather of Spain. I had left them 3 crashpads that they rented for [...]
Bouldering in Castillo de Bayuela
CRIMPER!!! from javipec on Vimeo. Check out this cool bouldering video from the granite area of Castillo de Bayuela! Carles de Diego Boguñá, a local boulderer, sent us the following information: The place is Castillo de Bayuela in Toledo, close to Toledo city (60 Km) or 100 km west of Madrid. People from Madrid and Toledo are developing the area [...]
Hotels and houses in Margalef
[singlepic id=66 w=320 h=240 float=center] In preperation for the spring season we visited Margalef two days and talked to the lodging-owners that we work with down there. I'm really impressed with our lodging options there, now we truly can offer something for everyone! If you're a couple or a small group, we recommend you to stay either in the Margalef [...]
New blog for Lleida Climbs
Pete O'Donovan, the author of the guidebook Lleida Climbs, has just started a blog for the Lleida-area. There he and Albert Cortés will update us on new sectors, hard sends and and general information about climbing around Lleida. It is great to see a new blog in English for this great climbing area! So, check out the blog Lleida Climbs [...]
Training: New year, new goals!
Me on a 7a in Malpas de Trevil. Photo: Fredrik Nyberg So, after a quick paus the training posts are back! Visiting Sweden was great, coming back home to Catalonia was great, and climbing has been really good over Christmas. Plenty of work to finish for our little company but now I will really try to relax a little and [...]