We accept bank transfers and payment through PayPal (VISA and MasterCard).


Card payments through PayPal

We have chosen to work with PayPal, the worlds largest company within on-line payments. PayPal is safe and have a good customer service if something goes wrong.

Step 1: E-mail with a request for a money transfer

Through the PayPal web site we request the amount that has been agreed upon. You will then receive an e-mail with payment information. Click the the long link at the end of the e-mail to proceed to the PayPal web site.

Dear customer@address.com,

Hyper Active Spain S.L. would like to be paid with PayPal.

Hyper Active Spain S.L.

Note from merchant:
Subject: PayPal money request from Hyper Active Spain S.L.
Deposition lägenhet Barcelona


Description: Service
Amount: €69

Total: €69,00 EUR

Hyper Active Spain S.L. would like you to use PayPal, the faster and safer way to pay online.
To send Hyper Active Spain S.L. your payment and see the details of this invoice, copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Questions? Go to the Help Center at: www.paypal.com/es/help.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click Help in the top right corner of any PayPal page.


Step 2: Web page 1 at PayPal

Unfortunately this page is most probably shown in Spanish. Click “Continuar” in the down right corner.

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Step 3: Web page 2 at PayPal

Unfortunately this page is most likely in Spanish as well. Start by choosing your country in the “Pais”-drop down.

USA – Estados Unidos or EE.UU.
UK – Reino Unido
Germany – Alemania
France – Francia
Sweden – Suecia
Norway – Noruega
Denmark – Dinamarca

As soon as you choose your country an option to change language appears in the upper right corner. Change to your preferred language. Fill out the page and confirm. Within a couple of minutes we will get notified of your transfer.

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