Introduction and Help


A house, apartment, hotel or refugio that you can book through us.
Sport climbing
Multi-pitch climbing
Deep Water Solo
Climbing gym
Sport climbing and bouldering
Multi-pitch routes and bouldering
Sport climbing and multi-pitch routes
Sport climbing, multi-pitch routes and bouldering
Resole, outdoor or climbing shop
Climbers bar with information about climbing in the area


Only interested in bouldering and houses to stay? Uncheck everything else and the map will instantly show only your selection.

Crag size

For each climbing area we have estimated a size - small, medium, big or gigantic. A good climber can climb all the routes of a small area a couple of months. A medium sized area has enough climbing for a year or so. A big area has climbing for many years and a gigantic area has climbing for a lifetime. An example of a gigantic climbing area is Montserrat with it's ~5000 ropelengths of climbing. When you click a climbing area you see size, type of climbing and where to find more information.

Map types

The map has three basic map types.

Overview of all

This view is to give an introduction to where on the Iberian peninsula most climbing is located. By clicking on a "cluster", the yellow, blue or red thingie with a number in it, you zoom in on that area. You can keep clicking/zooming until you see all the specific points of interest-pins in that area. Click on a pin to get more information about what it represents.

Detail of all (slow)

This view shows all points of interests at the same time. By using the built in search functionality of your browser you can locate a specific climbing area. Try loading the Detail of all-map and then using CTRL+F and typing "Rodellar". A better search functionality will be provided in the future.

This map can thus be very slow on old computers. Try using a fast browser, like Google Chrome, if you're experiencing problems.

Area map

If you know what specific area you want to know more about, go straight to the map for this area. You will be presented with all the information on one handy map. Click a pin on the map or a name to the left to get more information.

Help us!

Are you missing some information on the map or do you know where a specific crag, climbers bar or a good refugio is located? If you miss information, please send us an e-mail and we will try to update the map. If you got information that you think should be on the map, you can help us and other climbers by filling out this form.

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